- Goal 1: Promote Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability
- Goal 2: Improve water supply reliability and quality
- Goal 3: Protect and improve watershed health and function and Bay water quality
- Goal 4: Improve Regional Flood Management
- Goal 5: Create, protect, enhance and maintain environmental resources and habitats
Goal 1: Promote Environmental, Economic and Social Sustainability
1.1 Work with local land, water, wastewater and stormwater agencies, project proponents and other stakeholders to develop policies, ordinances and programs that promote IRWM goals, and to determine areas of integration
1.2 Encourage implementation of integrated, multi-benefit projects
1.3 Plan for and adapt to more frequent extreme climate events
1.4 Reduce energy use and/or use renewable resources where appropriate
1.5 Plan for and adapt to sea level rise
1.6 Secure adequate support, funding and partnerships to effectively implement plan
1.7 Avoid disproportionate impacts to disadvantaged communities
1.8 Promote community education, involvement and stewardship
1.9 Support data management for climate change vulnerabilities
1.10 Enhance monitoring network and information sharing to support proper management of watersheds
1.11 Minimize health impacts associated with polluted water
1.12 Protect cultural resources
1.13 Increase water resources related recreational opportunities
Goal 2: Improve water supply reliability and quality
2.1 Provide adequate water supplies to meet demands
2.2 Provide clean, safe, reliable drinking water
2.3 Minimize vulnerability of infrastructure to catastrophes and security breaches
2.4 Implement water use efficiency to meet or exceed state and federal requirements
2.5 Increase recycled water use
2.6 Expand water storage and conjunctive management of surface
and groundwater
2.7 Provide for groundwater recharge while protecting groundwater resources from overdraft
2.8 Protection of groundwater resources from contamination
Goal 3: Protect and improve watershed health and function and Bay water quality
3.1 Protect, restore, and rehabilitate watershed and bay processes
3.2 Maintain health of watershed vegetation, land cover, natural stream buffers and floodplains, to improve filtration of point and non-point-source pollutants
3.3 Minimize point-source and non-point-source pollution
3.4 Control excessive erosion and manage sedimentation
3.5 Improve floodplain connectivity
3.6 Improve filtration capacity
3.7 Control pollutants of concern
Goal 4: Improve Regional Flood Management
4.1 Manage floodplains to reduce flood damages to homes, businesses, schools and transportation
4.2 Achieve effective floodplain management that incorporates land use planning and minimizes risks to health, safety, and property by encouraging wise use and management of flood-prone areas
4.3 Identify and promote integrated flood management projects to protect vulnerable areas
Goal 5: Create, protect, enhance and maintain environmental resources and habitats
5.1 Protect, restore and rehabilitate habitat for species protection
5.2 Enhance wildlife populations and biodiversity (species richness)
5.3 Protect and recover fisheries (natural habitat and harvesting)
5.4 Reduce geographic extent and spread of pests and invasive species