The San Francisco Bay Area Integrated Regional Water Management Plan (IRWMP or Plan) represents a significant accomplishment in regional water resources planning. The collective vision presented in this Plan aims to address the major challenges and opportunities related to managing water and associated natural resources within the Bay Area IRWM region (Region). It outlines the Region’s water resources management needs and objectives, and presents innovative strategies and important actions to help achieve these objectives.
The IRWMP was first completed and adopted in 2006 (2006 IRWMP). This Plan updates and expands upon the 2006 IRWMP, documents progress towards meeting IRWMP objectives, and identifies ongoing regional needs and issues.
This IRWMP is not intended to duplicate existing and ongoing plans, but to better integrate these efforts, and utilize the results and findings of existing plans to put forward the projects needed to address IRWMP goals and objectives. This Plan provides a framework to improve collective understanding and to take actions to collaboratively address the many major water related challenges, needs and conflicts within the Region through the 20-year planning horizon (2013-2033). The array of goals, objectives, selected resource management strategies, and prioritized projects of this Plan represents a collective view of how to improve integrated water resources management throughout the Region. As regional goals, objectives, and priorities evolve over time, this IRWMP will be adapted to meet the changing needs of the region.
The IRWMP complies with the 2012 Integrated Regional Water Management Guidelines for Proposition 84 and 1E (DWR Guidelines) published by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) in November 2012. Financial assistance from DWR and contributions from the participating Bay Area groups and entities funded the development of this Plan. Proposition 84 identified 11 funding areas throughout the state, including the Bay Area Region. Each Funding Area is allocated, based on population, a portion of the $1 billion approved by the voters under Proposition 84 in 2006. Predecessor bonds, including Propositions 13 and 50, also provided incentives for development of IRWM Plans. DWR designed the IRWM planning process to be consistent with the California Water Plan, a statewide water resources planning document which is updated periodically, and intends that IRWM Plans and future updates of the California Water Plan, be integrated further in the future.